Saturday, January 5, 2013

Lost in the mail

For someone who works so hard towards personal growth, I sure have a hard time recognizing it in others!

To illustrate:
My birthday was the last Friday in October. That morning, my phone rang and when I picked up, my sister was singing her very best Happy Birthday to you!

Then she said, I sent you a gift, did you get it yet?

A gift? From my sister? In the mail? And thoughtfully sent before my actual birthday? This was unprecedented! And completely out of character! I was astonished!

The weekend came and went and no gift arrived. Monday morning arrived, along with the gusting winds of Hurricane Sandy, and I forgot all about it.

A week later she calls and asks how I liked the gift? But I didn't get anything! Two weeks later she calls and says, the post office says the delivered that Monday!

Now, I became suspicious. They delivered? When? During the hurricane?! And to whom? I was home all week!

I didn't believe her. In fact, every time she called with a gift update from the post office, I rolled my eyes.

"They're double checking their records!"

"Maybe they didn't deliver during the hurricane, but they're sure it was that week!"

"They're asking the postman who worked that day!"

"They say, are you sure you don't have it and just forgot to open it?"

"Maybe it's still outside your door?"

With each update I'd re-hash the story with friends as "typical Patty" and we would laugh and laugh-- why would she bother lying about this? Lost in the mail! As if! It's not like I was even expecting a gift!

Months passed and the updates slowed. By Christmas, it was forgotten.

Two days after Christmas the phone rings.

"Diana, the post office called. They say someone called and said they have your package."


"But the woman at the post office who called is on vacation for the holidays so I won't know anything else for a few weeks".

Uh-huh. (Insert eye roll) Ok, then. Keep me posted!

Then, this morning, 10 weeks after my birthday, Nick calls. He says, Hey neighbor! I have your birthday present! And, Neighbor Nick lives at my same address, only on 36th Street, instead of my own 35th Street.


So this week I'll enjoy some delicious Teavana Tea, courtesy of my big sis.

Who, btw, deserves an apology.

So, Patty: Even though you had no idea that I didn't believe you, I'm sorry. Thank you so much for thinking of me on my birthday and sending me such a thoughtful gift! And the next time you do something thoughtful and kind I will tell my friends, this is just like my sister!

Because people, they can surprise you.

5. I know this to be true: I love my sister.